Monday, November 29, 2010


Mary Day turned one month old on Friday, November 26, the day after Thanksgiving. Healthy and growing, she still weighed less than the turkey on the table.

Dorian and I are really thankful for all the support we've received over the past month from family, friends, and coworkers. You've cooked us hearty meals. You've helped us with chores around the house. You've kept us company. You've made sure Mary has enough onesies and blankets to clothe an entire army of babies (the sixth and cuddliest military branch).

We can't repay you, but we can post a couple videos of Mary Day being adorable. Enjoy:

Mary Day's First Thanksgiving from PJ Bentley on Vimeo.

Mary Day's First Pacifier from PJ Bentley on Vimeo.

(In case you're wondering, Mary can now handle a pacifier. She's not a pro, but she can get by when she needs to.)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Two Weeks Old

Mary Day turned two weeks old today. How did she celebrate? Like anyone would: by eating her favorite food and taking long naps. Then early this evening she gave us a wry glance that seemed to imply that she plans on staying up late tonight to wrap it all up in style. We're not sure about that, but, whatever, it's her birthday.

These have been the best two weeks of our lives. Usually, when things are marshmallows and sunshine, time seems to fly. But for some reason, the last two weeks have crawled by, and that's great. We've been able to really enjoy each moment. Every day, she gets more and more beautiful; her eyes, mouth, and voice become just a little more expressive; and she's awake a little bit longer. Also, she spits up more.

The angelic Baby Mary.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Photos of Mary Day, pt. 1

I promised some more photos, and here they are. I've just selected three from our first few days at Good Samaritan, and you can view more on our online album, which we will keep adding to.

In the delivery room, holding Dad's hands.

Sleeping in her crib.

Ready to head home from the hospital.

Mary Day's Firsts: #1

Mary Day is now five days old and the past couple days have been made up of a lot of "firsts."

Yesterday she came home from the hospital, and here are some of the things she experienced for the first time:
  • her first rain
  • her first ride in a car
  • her first trip across a bridge (the St. Johns)
  • her first day home
  • her first night home
Today, she added a few more things to the list:
  • her first crowd (a lot of visitors today)
  • her first "tummy time" (a chance to squirm on her belly for exercise)
  • her first Halloween and Halloween costume (ladybug)

    At five days old, she'll never remember any of this, and she really only has a few hours of bright-eyed lucidity per day right now. But it all counts. Her brain is soaking every waking moment in and then remixing them all in dreams, and her body is doing its job of eating, resting, and growing. Getting to spend every moment with her these first few days, it's like watching time-lapse photography. She seems to be changing by the hour.