Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fruit, Crawling, Clapping, "Uh Oh," Laughing

The last time we posted was in January?! I'm so sorry. We would have posted sooner except BABYGRADSCHOOLNEWHOUSE.

Anyway, if you haven't been following along on Facebook or Twitter or Google+ or ________, Mary's just pure sunshine.

She loves fruit. Our new house house a lot of berry bushes, so every day we go out in the yard and she eats her fill of raspberries and strawberries. The other day, we were at Kruger's Market (a produce stand here in St. Johns), and, while we weren't looking, she stole a small plum out of a crate from her perch in the cart. She had eaten half of it before we even noticed.

She crawls faster than most people walk.

She can now stand, unsupported, for a few seconds before slowly easing down onto her rump.

Yesterday, at Book Babies at the library, she learned to clap. For her, and for us, it was a revelation. It is very clear from the expression on her face how good it feels to really clap—palm meeting palm.

And yesterday was also her first exclamation. She's acquired a broad catalog of sounds, of ooo's and gak's, and she has yet to utter her first real word. But yesterday she said, "Uh oh." She's still working to divine its meaning, but she likes to repeat it when we say it. (I should say liked. She's growing tired of me following her around and chirping "Uh oh!" in hopes she'll parrot me.)

There probably won't be updates for a while, but you can be sure we'll post when she's taken her first steps and spoken her first real word.

For now, here's this:

(Video thanks to Bridget Carlson.)